Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Monday, November 27, 2006

Free Hug

Bea this is for you :)

Friday, November 24, 2006

Reactivation du terrorisme du Hezbollah

A mon grand désespoir je viens d'entendre sur France 5, émission C dans l'Air (émission du 23 NOVEMBRE 2006 Terrorisme sous surveillance) que les troupes françaises sont sous risque d'attentat au Liban a cause d'un terroriste du Hezbollah des années 80 qui est revenu au Liban a la fin de la dernière guerre. Un certain «Igman Mougninié» (désolé c’est la prononciation française) a été repéré au sud Liban en provenance de Teheran !

Fait chier ! Ma fi bil miden gher 7deyden (proverbe libanais) a quand la tranquillité dans ce pays !

Ref :

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

the Just Me Party

Ok here you go, I (the mighty me) created a new political party! It’s the Just Me Party (JMP)
Here is a detailed (yeah detailed) description of the party for those who would like to join.
JMP flag: our flag have a real meaning; it’s Mickey fingering the whole world.

JMP aim: no specific aim, just have fun in life! It’s going to last for 90 years maximum, so stop wasting it!

JMP program: go party and party and party and a lot of sports (three sports are allowed, inline skating, gym and boldering). Sunday it’s our holly day we just watch DVDs and stay in bed.

That’s it and we are going to rule! Who want’s to join?

PS: FPM, Ouwett, 14 march, kate2ib, Future something, Hezb-allah, Marada, ichtirakiyé and all those I forgot ; Just go to hell you fucked up this country and been fucking it up for the last 50 years.


I am eating this! it's so delicious so here is the recipe:

  • Chocolat ice cream
  • Chocolat cream

Put the ice cream first, than add gently the cream ! done

bon appétit

Monday, November 20, 2006

Bush For Peace

hehe i'm still drunk or what !

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Matthew Barney - Cremaster 3

This is a short video from Cremaster 3

The Cremaster Cycle

I describe this art project “as a fantastic absurd creation combining photographs, drawings, sculptures, and installations all together through a cinematic peace of art”.

The Cremaster* Cycle by Matthew Barney

is full of allusions to the position of the reproductive organs during the embryonic process of sexual differentiation. And goes from Cremaster 1 with the most undifferentiated state to Cremaster 5 the most differentiated state. Barney looked beyond biology as a way to explore the creation of form, he employed models from different realms like, mythology, geology and geography.

Some photographs from the Cycle


*The cremaster muscle is a muscle that covers the testis. Its function is to raise and lower the scrotum in order to regulate the temperature of the testis and promote spermatogenesis. In a cool environment the cremaster draws the testis closer to the body preventing heat loss, while when it is warmer the cremaster relaxes allowing the testis to cool. The cremaster develops to its full extent only in males; in females it is represented by only a few muscle loops.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Disco city

While we were floating on the Spree through Berlin city something interesting got my attention, it was a disco ball on a crane!
What the hell, who got this brilliant idea to fix a disco ball on a crane! And what if we do the same in Beirut, thinking about the hundreds of cranes it will be like disco city!
I should seriously propose it to the government at least they will be doing something interesting for the Lebanese daily life.

middle height you can see the dicso ball

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Avodah zarah

On n’avance pas si on ne combat pas nos propres démons

Fight your own demons to move forward
Trust me
just me

Painting by William Blake (1757-1827): Gothic painting
"Avodah zarah" means "foreign worship" in hebrew

Friday, November 03, 2006


A new computer game is out! And guess what you don’t have to blow up heads or tear bowels out of dead corpse.
All you have to do is humanitarian activities and provide food for starving populations.

I think it’s an interesting game to pass it to our kids so they could learn that life is not just Doom and Delta force something ...

It’s totally free; you can download it on

Thursday, November 02, 2006

ΜΑΣΣΑΛΙΑ... i just love this city

Marseille est la plus ancienne ville de France: fondée vers -600 par des Grecs de Phocée, elle s'appelle à l'origine Μασσαλία (Massalia).
Ses habitants sont les Massaliotes. Aujourd'hui, on appelle encore Marseille la cité phocéenne. Romaine, son nom devient Massilia. Le Vieux-Port de Marseille est un port naturel : il porte le nom grec de Λακυδων, le Lacydon, en provençal lou Lacidoun.

Marseille, fruit d'une histoire d'amour

Marseille est née d'une histoire d'amour, Gyptis la salluvienne et Protis le Phocéen. Légende ou réalité ? ce qui importe c'est l'histoire d'amour ! Voici le récit du Voconce Trogue Pompée, contemporain d'Octave Auguste (cité par Justin, Histoires Philippiques, XLIII)

Or justement, ce jour-là, le roi était occupé à préparer la noce de Gyptis, sa fille, que selon la coutume de son peuple, il se préparait à marier par choix d'un gendre pendant le festin. Et, pusique tous les prétendants avaient été invités aux noces, on convia aussi aux banquets les hôtes grecs. Ensuite, la jeune fille fut introduite, et comme son père lui avait ordonné de proposer l'eau à celui qu'elle choisirait pour mari, elle délaissa tous les autres, se tourna vers les grecs et proposa l'eau à Protis, qui d'hôte devint gendre et reçut de son beau-père un lieu pour fonder une ville.
source : Didier Pralon, revue Marseille n°160

Voici quelques photographies de Marseille
credit photo: just me

Photographs from the Frioul islands (just in front of Marseille)

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