Wednesday, February 14, 2007

So Stylish

First time in my life i see policmen on scooters ! wow is this a lebanese style or what? one scooter have a number plate and the other seems to be stolen "i think" wow ! what a pic !
all i'm waiting for is that those two policmens "y2ibbouwa" :)
Pic credit: Tayyar something


Krys said...

c la nouvelle vague quoi... lol :D

just me said...

Vague de quoi ? de vol de scooters !!:p

shrrr said...

2abba 2abbaaaaaaaa ewwwwwww

Krys said...

Nouvelle vague de divaguer... lol :D
Tu penses ils les ont voles? ce serait hilarant kan meme...mais ki sait, tt est possible ds ce pays de m**** :D

just me said...

Shrrr > je pari qu'ils s'appelent RORO tout les deux

Krys > ben oui, ils les ont volés, d'ailleur le scooter du fils de sarco a ete trouvé a beirut !! s2aliné

Krys said...

euuuh, c t pas le fils de sarko ki a vole le scooter??

shrrr said...

wai lun sappelle roro

le deusieme misho


bshartak hayda mish 3al shmeil ma3 al abou3a al hamra hahahahahahahahahaah

(oups i think hes gona kill me tonight hahahahahha)

just me said...

he he Micho Ebbbbba !
PS: iza 3am bitchoufi ililo hi mi khayo

shrrr said...

ok akeed, mbereh kenna 3am nehdar the first "dracula" hahahaha
he was affraid and cryed hahahahahahaaha

3D mich said...

shrrr :@ le2ine 3ala sesin

hello braza :D

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