Monday, March 05, 2007

Parents, stop bitching us

Each time I call my parents I have always and always and always the same load of questions as a starter.
Here is a sample of question I have to answer on each phone call:
  1. Are you eating healthy? Usually followed by, so what you ate today?

  2. Don’t catch cold, stay warm (w ma tetchafla2 :p)

  3. So what are you doing, are you seeing someone? mams favorite question

  4. Do sports, you know sports is good for your health, blood system and bla bla bla bla (come on I already do gym 3 times a week, rollerblading 2 times a week and I climb occasionally it should be ok no?) paa favorite recommendation

  5. So how is work, is your PhD ok, have any problems ?

  6. And as usual the final question, do you need money? Ou3a tkoun 3eyiz w ma t2ilna !

Ok i know i’m acting like a bitch, they are doing this because they love me and bla bla bla ! but come on I’m 26 years old, have been living on my own for the past 6 years w sabé en plus ! wlik eh sabé ma lsabé ma byen3atal hammo walaw :p
Please tell me it’s just an illusion! or all the parents are like this ?


shrrr said...

well, dont cry my friend, but this is an illusion...
ur parents are doing that becoz they know that ur Mou3ak ...


shrrr said...

tayyeb tayyeb 3am bemzah...
akeed kel al aheil heik...

bas hal shy ma byemna3 ennak enta mou3ak ...


Krys said...

1st and ultimate question
" hada" heyde avant meme de dire allo lol :D

2. "Manges des legumes et des fruits et de la viande w bala l mcdo wel cafe et les sandwishs"
-Bien sur mom
-Chou tghadeyte lyom alors?
-Euh Mom passe moi mon frere chta2telo hahaha:D

3. "Mlah2a daress??" (celle la est desastreuse hahaha)

4. "Arrete de travailler et concentre toi sur tes etudes #%@#!#$ l massare"

5. "Pourquoi t'as la voix comme ca"
(law kif ma kenit ma voix)

6. "On a fait une reservation pr pak ou noel ou les grandes vacances, chou 3abelik teje?"

7. "C kan ke tu vas finir tes diplomes??'

8. "Demain je t'envoie de l'argent"
(Pas de question la lol :D)

well come on just me, me too that's my 7th year on my own but they are parents and that's their job!!!

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