Friday, December 01, 2006

*drums*.... First place go to Syria

So here you go, the results of the poll are **Drums**

Question: Who killed Pierre Gemayel?
Total votes: 44
and the winner is...
  • Syria with 12 votes
  • Hezbollah 6 votes
  • Michel Aoun/Samir Geagea/Israel 5 votes each (Irony)
  • Walid Joumblat/ Iran 4 votes each
  • USA 2 votes
  • Saad Hariri 1 vote
And now a new poll is on the market and this one is way more interesting.
The question is: Which Lebanese TV station distorts the most the reality?
Vote ----->
After three weeks I'm gonna resume this poll and send the results to the winner with all my compliments.


shrrr said...

this is a very bad question, coz all the tv's are the same shit, but each one for its benefits.
donc laisse tomber ce vote...

just me said...

Thx Shrrr!
mais tu as voté, non !
"oups je ne me trompe pas"

shrrr said...

jai voté a l'encien, mais surement pas cuila, parceque figure toi qu'hier, on a vu un mashkal live a tayyounéh, et aucune mais aucune télé ne la mis, yavait le jeich, et les meshkaljiyeh etait entrain de ye2ba3ou les arbres pour aller casser les gens avec, yavait des bombes a climogene. c'etait fou.... et aucune TELE MAIS AUCUNE N'A MIS CA!!!
demande a 3dmich, il etait avec moi.......:( c'est vraiment la guerre cher ami, mais la tele ne veut pas twalle3a shabibeh bel ter2at...wel3eit

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