Friday, March 23, 2007

Please be

Please be philosophical
Please be unpredictably miserable
Please be strangely enigmatic
Please be crazy and curious
Please be a sexaholic
Please be just like me

adapted after Alanis Morrisette


S@m said...

These are 21 things that I want in a lover
Not necessarily needs but qualities that I prefer
I figure I can describe it since I have a choice in the matter
These are 21 things I choose to choose in a lover

Krys said...

Enu sam hayala bayala hatet comment...eno ba3d na2es tektoub "iyyam l loulou tararararm chou hallalou tarararam..chou rachou mlabbas ya mama w chou....(ma ba2a a3ref aktar men hek)!!!!

S@m said...

kam vodka kenté cherbéné hayete inté w 3am tektbé hal commentaire? Ba3ddein ma darouré tenchré tes rancunes 3a blogget el 3alam! ma ba2A fi ehtiram?!

Krys said...

enchour??? rancunes???
Aya rancunes???

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