Saturday, August 11, 2007

Nadine tu es trop caramel

Un nouveau bijoux de notre tres douée realisatrice Nadine Labaké.
C'est un film a ne pas rater, je vous transmet le synopsis fait par

A Beyrouth, cinq femmes se croisent régulièrement dans un institut de beauté, microcosme coloré où plusieurs générations se rencontrent, se parlent et se confient.Layale est la maîtresse d'un homme marié. Elle espère encore qu'il va quitter sa femme.Nisrine est musulmane et va bientôt se marier. Mais elle n'est plus vierge et s'inquiète de la réaction de son fiancé.Rima est tourmentée par son attirance pour les femmes, en particulier cette cliente qui revient souvent se faire coiffer.Jamale est obsédée par son âge et son physique.Rose a sacrifié sa vie pour s'occuper de sa soeur âgée.Au salon, les hommes, le sexe et la maternité sont au coeur de leurs conversations intimes et libérées.

site officiel du film :
sortie en france le 15 aout 2007

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Moujannasin mon cul (oui je me repete sur ce blog)

Un mot qui s'est agglutiné sur mes tympans durant la derniere crise politico-politech o libon bien sure!
ahhh les moujannasin votent ! les autres ont gagnés aves les voix des moujannasin! la honte! mais c'est de la merde ca! ils sont moujannasin! a regarder le site du bien politico-correct tayar du tayyar, on trouve meme des preuves ahh des photos, des preuvent infaillibles des moujannasin !

j'ai haluciné je me croyais dans un ZOO entrain de matter des betes bizarres ou plutot devant une LBC (def de LBC: chaine de merde, with proud made in lebanon) ou on trouve les photos des tant recherchés hommes vert!

j'adore ce pays ou "notre tourass" est de degrader les gens! toujours des hommes de classe A, B, ... (meme les chretiens armeniens c pas des vrai chretiens libanais)

mais petit libanais de merde reveil toi !
un peu de respect a ton ami moujannass !
bande de crottes !
et alors meme s'ils sont moujannasin ! c'est des hommes apres tout qui selon la loi (libonais bien sur) ont les memes droits que les autres (mais tellement plus nobles) non moujannasin

ah ce pays m'exaspere !

PS: sur ce blog je me suis juré de ne pas parler politic ! il y en a tellement de blog qui font ca et tellement mieux ! mais je n'en pouvais plus, un petit ecart que j'espere ne se repetera jamais :)

Antony bis ...

You have to check this song too ...

hope there's someone

Antony ...

I just want to share this artist or group (Antony and the Johnsons)

... great voice, lots of sensitivity and the + is that he shared two duets with Bjork on her last album ...

The lake

In youth's spring, it was my lot
To haunt of the wide earth a spot
To which I could not love the less
So lovely was the loneliness
Of a wild lake, with black rock bound
And the tall trees that towered around

But when the night had thrown her pall
Upon that spot as upon all
And the wind would pass me by
In its stilly melody

My infant spirit would awake
To the terror of the lone lake
My infant spirit would awake
To the terror of the lone lake

Yet that terror was not fright
But a tremulous delight
And a feeling undefined
Springing from a darkened mind
Death was in that poisoned wave
And in its gulf a fitting grave
For him who thence could solace bring
To his dark imagining
Whose wildering thought could even make
An Eden of that dim lake

But when the night had thrown her pall
Upon that spot as upon all
And the wind would pass me by
In its stilly melody
My infant spirit would awake
To the terror of the lone lake
My infant spirit would awake
To the terror of the lone lake
Springing from a darkened mind
So lovely was the loneliness
In youth's spring, it was my lot In its stilly melody
An Eden of that dim lake
An Eden of that dim lake
Lone, lone, lonely...

Monday, August 06, 2007

Mayonnaise mon cul

Even with all the mayonnaise in the world, you can’t make chicken salad out of chicken shit !
then just close your eyes and think about this just fucking great quote

Sunday, August 05, 2007


Vertebrae by Vertebrae
there is a view
and the spinestraight and erect
hungry and curious
looking forward to…
the air is thinner here…
she came here to lose face
got down on her knees
the beast is back
on 4 legs
set her clock to the moon
raises her spine
vertebrae by vertebrae
I have been filled with
steam for months, for years
same old cloud
claustrophobic in me
let it burstlike old train sounds
make them leave me, nature
by vertebrae
by vertebrae
by vertebrae
by vertebrae!
my arms ooze out of my shoulders !
and the arms ooze out of my shoulders
I curl my tail
inwards, inwards
set my clock on the moon
vertebrae by vertebrae
please release
this pressure off me
please release
this pressure off me
please release
this pressure off me
written by björk

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Mouna w Lwiza

For all the mates who went to Lebanon for summer vacation !
Watch out
specially Krys :p
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